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Navigating the Digital Frontier in Retail?

Gain a Competitive Edge with Aditi.
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In today's fast-paced retail market, your business can face significant headwinds that require a robust technology ecosystem and the right people to manage it. Indeed, success in the retail industry demands efficient, innovative, and scalable technology solutions for e-commerce optimization, supply chain management, and customer experience excellence.

To build a competitive and cutting-edge retail operation, you need to build your digital presence, optimize your supply chain, secure your transactions, and empower your workforce. At Aditi, we can help you transform these challenges into opportunities by creating retail operations that are efficient, scalable, and ahead of the curve.

At Aditi, we understand the pressure to adapt. That's why we don't just offer solutions - we become your partner in the digital transformation journey.



The modern retail industry is driven by shrinking margins and rapidly changing customer expectations. The competitive pressure to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and innovate is unending. Common challenges include:

  • Rapid Technological Changes and Integration
  • Supply-Chain Disruptions
  • Data Management and Cybersecurity
  • Customer Experience
  • Inventory Management
  • Omnichannel Integration
  • Customer Insights and Personalization

Aditi will work with you to understand and address your unique challenges as you position yourself in the competitive landscape.

The Missing Piece: Your Dream Team

Think of your vision as a complex puzzle. You have the blueprint (your goals), but you lack the specialized pieces to bring it to life. Aditi assembles full-cycle teams with the specific skills you need. From AI and automation experts to cloud and infrastructure specialists, we can build a team tailored to your unique challenges.

We help you implement your most challenging projects, including:

Clients that trust us

Aditi has worked with over 50 manufacturing firms, including:

Pepsico CAT Novartis

Clients that trust us

Aditi has worked with over 50 manufacturing firms, including:

logo_pepsico logo_cat logo_novartis

From AI and automation experts to cloud and infrastructure specialists, we can build a team tailored to your unique challenges. We understand that technology is more than just a tool; it's a pivotal force driving business success.

Real-World Victories:
How We Empower Retailers

Real-World Victories:
How We Empower Manufacturers

Case Study 1:
Ensuring Cost Effective Cloud Transitions.

One of the world’s largest retail grocery chains made a pivotal decision to migrate their systems, applications and data to a new primary public cloud provider, which required critical budgetary and workforce compartmentalization decisions to ensure a smooth transition. 

In addition, leadership had already made a fundamental decision that the transition and subsequent modernization would be done through an application-by-application strategy, requiring buy-in from all internal teams at different points in the process.

Financial CS1-2
In addition to deploying a team of business analysts, Aditi analyzed the current pricing model, budget restrictions and current cloud usage efficiency to build a comprehensive solution.
Retail CS3-2 Aditi ensured a successful, smooth migration to Microsoft Azure, while influencing more data driven and cost-effective decisions during subprojects.

Case Study 2:
Developing An Enterprise Data Repository 

A major grocery-store chain was faced with a maze of data from hundreds to thousands 
of diverse sources, ranging from vendors and governmental organizations to the organization’s expansive supply chain. The company needed to construct a single source of truth in a chaotic database environment.

To address these issues, the company hired the Aditi team to establish a central repository to serve data to the various applications the company used to fuel critical business operations. This included monitoring in-store stock levels, which would enable new services such as in-store pickups, direct-to-door deliveries, and wider distribution logistics.

stats_03 Aditi assembled a suite of powerful technologies to build the repository and create a dynamic, robust and responsive data ecosystem.
stats_04 Through strategic technology integration, Aditi created a centralized data hub to support and enhance critical corporate applications. This included monitoring real-time stock levels and streamlining delivery/pickup services.

The rise of nearshore & the impact on Retailers

Download the report and see how the rise in Nearshoring in North America is affecting the Retail Industry

Download Report

Why Choose Aditi?

We bring over 30 years of experience across diverse industries. Our client list boasts more than 75 Fortune 500 companies, a testament to our proven track record.

At Aditi, we don't offer cookie-cutter solutions. We create unique experiences that leverage borderless talent, cutting-edge technology, and—most importantly—your vision.

Don't get lost in this age of digital innovation. Embrace the future with Aditi by your side.

Why Choose Aditi